Changes to my study program

SANTIAGO l Universidad de Chile | Noticias - Proyectos | Page 24 ...As a student of psychology, we have a very specific curricular mesh, in the first year we have introductory classes, up to the 5 semester we can´t select any of the classes, but then we have optative classes. I think that this mesh is good because when you enter to the university is normal to have anxiety and uncertainty of the first year and with this classes can level you with the university level. So, if I must make changes in the curricular activities I wouldn´t make a big one, I think that in general the classes are good and for the moment this are being good for me. One thing that makes me sense is that in this year in the first semester the students don´t have anthropology and I think that this is very good because I believe that the anthropology isn’t relative too much with the psychology. For the other hand, I think that is good that in a way the university force you to have 2 sport and 2 cultural co-curricular activities because I believe that is important that in our formation we can learn a language for example and also I’m a truly believer about that the people always have to do a sport or something that makes you stay active.
In general, to me the workload that we have in our career is not too much in relation with other careers, so far I have not been overwhelmed. In relation with the length I think that the 5 years are fine.
The campus that we have I think that is great because this one has a lot of space, good location, has new buildings for the classes and has a very big sport ground. The only thing that I can reproach him is that in the older classroom, the one who are in the Facso building are to warm in summer and too cold in winter.
The use of technology in the last time has become very important because the situation that we are living but in general I think that in the campus we have good technology materials that makes our learning easier.
To finish, I think that the method that the teacher use is good but not for all the people, because in some classes the teacher never stop to talk and is difficult to stay focus all the time, but in general the method that they use is very useful for me.


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