Postgraduate studies

FCB Universitas inaugura la plataforma digital de difusión del ...For me, a postgraduate study seems like something necessary because in our formation in psychology, there is not a specialization in sports (I understand that before there was something related with this). So, for this is important to me to take a postgraduate curse based in this subject because like I said in the past blog I would like to work as a sports psychologist.
I have been already searching curses related with this subject here in Chile but is not very develop so also I have seen curses in Spain where there are too many and also the teachers that make this curses are prestige professionals.
A few days ago, I found a page that has study programs related with nutrition, psychology, marketing, and another subjects, all this related with sports. So, I see a program that is a certificate in high performance sports psychology. I think that this program is very interesting, and I would love to have it in the future if this is possible.
I would like to study in a presential mode just like the usual classes that we have the last year because this system help me to be more focus and comfortable, also have this curse in a presential mode it means go to Spain and study in other culture, and that for me is something that I would love to do.


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