My quarentine

Aprender inglés desde casa durante la cuarentenaIs everyone´s knowledge that we are living a difficult situation in our country that’s affects all in some way, for me and my family this has been a strange situation because we have to live some stuff that we don´t expect to live in times like this. But, otherwise, this quarantine has been fine in some way because I have the lucky to do the quarantine and I know that is people that can´t do it.
I don´t think that is a opportunity to improve, I really that is a sign to make the thinks right once for all and do the changes that we must do years ago, this isn’t going to be easy but we have to do it, because if we don´t learn something about this pandemic, I think that in the future things like this could happen again.
In this quarantine I have the chance to spend more time with my family and this is mainly possible because we bought a board game called “Catan”, we play a lot of time when we can and is fun to make this so simple like share with your family, who is a think that in normal circumstances we don´t do too much.
The studies in this quarantine has been like it was in the past I think, obviously sometimes is hard to be focus but I have learned how to handle it.
I always stay positive about all situations and in this one too, I think that we have to be optimistics that the situation is going to be better and all is going to be like it was in the past but everything has to be slow.


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