A job that I would love to do

Psicología del Deporte como trabajo | Asociación de Psicología del ...A job for me is something else that just a way to have a salary, I think that you have to really love the what you are doing in your life, so a job that I would love to do is work as a sport psychology in a professional team of any sport, preferably basketball or football.
I think that I would love to have this job because it mixes two things that I like, sports and psychology. In this work I would have a close relation with the players of the team and help them with the psychologist side of sports that is a thing that isn´t very popular in athletes, but this has been taken more importance in the present.
The most important topics that I would have to talk with this athletes are: return from an injury, self-confidence and all the personal problems that the athletes could had with the management, the coach or between the same other players.
I really don´t know what are the skills that a sports psychology has to have, but I think that the people who work in a job like this it has to be someone that understand the situations that the players are going through. For example, in case of return form an injury, I think that the sport psychology must have some close experience to the situation that players are going through.


  1. Good thing you found a job that mixes two things you like so much.

  2. I find it wonderful that you can work in two fields that you really like

  3. Sport psychology is great! I think is a very important area, but in Chile isn't developed :( Considering the importance of sports

  4. i think that you are going to be a very good professional! you are an athlete so you know personally what are the pressures of being a sport player

  5. Would you like to work in an international team?

  6. It's very necessary on this days have the support from a psychologist when you do any sport.


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