
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2020

My experience learning English at university

I think that the experience learning English in the university has been very similar to my experience in school, because the class is similar, doing similar activities like the speeches that we have to do in this year and the past year. So, in general the experiences has been very good because this way to learn English is interesting for me, but I also think that I have to improve in many things like in the pronunciation, vocabulary and special in the fluid speaking. As I said I think that I must improve in pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluid speaking, so I think that this could be improved if I keep practicing it with constancy and effort. Maybe if this doesn´t improve I think that I would take another course of English. In these days I haven´t used too much English, but I think that when I saw Netflix I use English, I like to see all the series and movies in English as a way to keep learning, this has been very good for me in this days were we only have 1 English class in the

Changes to my study program

As a student of psychology, we have a very specific curricular mesh, in the first year we have introductory classes, up to the 5 semester we can´t select any of the classes, but then we have optative classes. I think that this mesh is good because when you enter to the university is normal to have anxiety and uncertainty of the first year and with this classes can level you with the university level. So, if I must make changes in the curricular activities I wouldn´t make a big one, I think that in general the classes are good and for the moment this are being good for me. One thing that makes me sense is that in this year in the first semester the students don´t have anthropology and I think that this is very good because I believe that the anthropology isn’t relative too much with the psychology. For the other hand, I think that is good that in a way the university force you to have 2 sport and 2 cultural co-curricular activities because I believe that is important that in our forma

My quarentine

Is everyone´s knowledge that we are living a difficult situation in our country that’s affects all in some way, for me and my family this has been a strange situation because we have to live some stuff that we don´t expect to live in times like this. But, otherwise, this quarantine has been fine in some way because I have the lucky to do the quarantine and I know that is people that can´t do it. I don´t think that is a opportunity to improve, I really that is a sign to make the thinks right once for all and do the changes that we must do years ago, this isn’t going to be easy but we have to do it, because if we don´t learn something about this pandemic, I think that in the future things like this could happen again. In this quarantine I have the chance to spend more time with my family and this is mainly possible because we bought a board game called “Catan”, we play a lot of time when we can and is fun to make this so simple like share with your family, who is a think that in no